Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Changing Video Cards?

I currently have a Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family video card but I would like to change it to a GeForce FX 5600 or better because I believe the online game I currently play (Combat Arms) will perform way better. How should I go about this? Is it possible? Will it negatively effect my computers performance? How much will I be spending?? Please help!Changing Video Cards?
well if you're using a laptop its pretty much impossible to change it, because most of the time the Graphics cards in laptops are soldered in and cant be replaced.

Sorry, but get a desktop if you're gonna play gamesChanging Video Cards?
An FX 5600 can be found on newegg for very cheap, maybe 30-50 dollars. Nothing negative will come from getting a new video card but you will get what you pay for. I personally have an ATI Radeon 4670 card and it was about 80 dollars and it works wonderfully.
Combat Arms eh? Not that resource intensive. There is no way it can negatively affect your pc. Go for atleast a 6 series. if you want a 5500 here it is: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as

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